Keep in regular, contact with your loved ones
Make sure you have regular, non-face-to-face contact with any loved ones isolating during this time, especially if you know that they suffer from existing mental health conditions such as depression or dementia.
Helping grandchildren understand why grandparents may need live-in care
For some, this Christmas may mark the first instance where grandchildren are seeing their grandparents with a live-in carer present and it can be a confusing time for them.

Talk to someone if you need to
If you are feeling particularly lonely over the Christmas period, there are volunteer helplines available offering you a comforting ear.
Silver Line – Call 0800 4 70 80 90
Samaritans – Call 116 123
Age UK – Call 0800 678 1602 (open 8am – 7pm daily)
Gather round a Christmas Classic
Nothing says Christmas quite like a good film, and there is evidence to suggest that elderly relatives engaging with media from their childhood, can improve cognitive functioning. Here are just some of our favourite classics.
Christmas Eve – Channel Five, Scrooge 11:55am and Channel Four, Home Alone 6pm
Christmas Day – BBC Two, Casablanca 11:10am and Channel Five, Love Actually 10:40pm
Boxing Day – BBC Two, Singin’ in the Rain 12:40pm and ITV2, E.T. 3:50pm

Our Christmas office hours can be found below:
23rd December – Normal opening hours
24th December – Closed from 4pm
25th December – Closed
26th December – Closed
27th December – Closed
28th December – Closed
29th December – Normal opening hours
30th December – Normal opening hours
31st December – Closed from 4pm
1st January – Closed
2nd January – Closed
3rd January – Closed
4th January – Normal opening hours
If you need to contact us with an emergency on any of the dates we are closed, please reach out using the Out of Hours number detailed in your welcome pack.
We are still taking new enquiries over the Christmas period. With over 60 years of experience and more than 1,500 carers on our books, we know that we will be able to find you or your loved ones the perfect carer. Enquire online and a member of the team will contact you as soon as we are open again.